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I know people gossip all the time. For some it is a hard thing to change and for others they might just get caught up in it. Sometimes people may be sharing personal real things that happened or are currently happening and sometimes they may be gossiping about things they "think" and are completely wrong, on only opinion. Either way both are dangerous!

Why is it dangerous you ask? Well first they are sharing information about someone else. The people who it has happened to are not the ones sharing it. I'm sure they didn't ask that person if they could share it. So now more people are hearing information that is not directly from the source. May or may not be real and or embellished. It paints a picture that is not true and from the perspective of the gossiper.

Over the last few years I have been in close proximity to a person who gossips a lot and I have been able to see the destruction of something that seems so innocent. What starts as light funny conversation turns quickly to an individual and comes out like venom with both personal things, real and opinion. When walking with this individual I would be honest about her behavior but gently so not to be self righteous because even I gossip on occasion and need God's grace.

Everyone has there strengths and weaknesses. Mine might not be gossip but believe me I lack in many areas. That goes the same for each individual. It's important to know where your weaknesses lye so you can fix them. As Christians we are taught to bring all things to the feet of Jesus, especially the areas where we are weak.

2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.

One time I was invited over a persons house with an older couple from church. It was a fun gathering with food and light conversation until the gossip unfolded. One couple began criticizing the church pastors and saying things that were untrue and wrong. I stood up politely but firmly and said I would not be part of that type of conversation. I love the pastors and it was not something I would listen or take part in, so I left. However the sad part is one of the 2 elderly people that were present are very sickly and after the conversation that day they have never once stepped back into our church. Previously they always attended so it was a great loss. With your mouth you have the ability to speak life or death and with that comes consequences. I often wonder if the people realized the repercussions of that conversations and the results that were produced.

NIV Proverbs 18:21

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit

In the story above the power of the tongue brought a tragedy to this man who no longer goes to church. He is a sick man who is continually at the hospital. This is the time where he should be leaning on God and his community. How can you lean on your community if you never see them or participate in any type of fellowship because of what someone said? What they said was only opinion and not even true but the words took root in his mind and affected his behavior. The end is sad but it can happen to others if we are not careful. I pray God open our eyes to avoid this in the future and be mindful of our actions.


Heavenly Father, we come before you seeking guidance and strength in dealing with the destructive power of gossip and the tongue. Help us to be mindful of the words we speak, that they may only bring forth goodness and positivity. Grant us the wisdom to discern when to speak and when to remain silent, so that we may not cause harm with our words.

Protect us from the temptation to engage in gossip, and instead, fill our hearts with compassion and understanding for others. May our words always build up, encourage, and bring light into the lives of those around us.

We ask for your grace to help us control our tongues and use them for spreading love, kindness, and truth. May our speech always reflect your teachings and glorify your name. In your holy name we pray, Amen.


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